Flower of evil episode 1


In "Flower of Evil," the first episode introduces viewers to Baek Hee-sung, a seemingly normal man who leads a tranquil life with Cha Ji-won, his wife, and their little daughter. He owns a metalworking company, and those around him find him charming and amiable.

But as the series goes on, more and more details of Baek Hee-sung's enigmatic history come to light. Memories of a horrific event involving his father when he was younger are revealed, inflicting mental and bodily wounds. These flashes into his past suggest a more sinister side to his character.

A committed detective named Cha Ji-won is looking into a string of killings that have been happening in their neighborhood. She is concerned about her husband's secrecy and his reluctance to discuss his background, even though she is successful professionally.
Cha Ji-won's suspicions are beginning to mount, and Baek Hee-sung is finding it difficult to keep up the appearance of normalcy. The scene is set for an engrossing investigation of the nuances of identity, trust, and the fallout from concealing one's true personality as the episode comes to a close.

The first episode of "Flower of Evil" sets the stage for a gripping and thought-provoking voyage into the depths of the human psyche with its intriguing plot and compelling characters.

Rusiru shamika


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