Game of Thrones S2 E2

We pick up where the previous episode left off, as the recruits of the Night's Watch head to the wall. "Arry" faces the problem every Sweet Polly Oliver faces sooner or later - how to stay in disguise when nature calls. After returning from an undercover assignment, she has a small encounter where the cagers accompany their entourage, which includes a certain man who talks about everyone in the third person, especially himself, and another man who threatens to rape her. his bloody staff. amazing Then the excitement comes true when some goldencoats hijack the caravan. Arya naturally assumes that they are looking for him, but it turns out that they want Gendry. Yoren isn't giving up either, as evidenced by his threat to put his knife sharp enough to stick the spider's ass into a very sensitive part of the driver's anatomy - his femoral artery. Why, what do you think? The Goldcloaks are now back, but it's clear they won't be coming back to King's La...